Saturday, 16 August 2014

A Little Bit of Stitch


I'm still getting to grips with posting on my iPad it just doesn't look right but here goes anyway. I'm not going to say how long these beads took me to sew, its irrelevant. The pleasure of stitching is still there.
I use the iPad to speak now, I type what I want to say and press speak and a voice says my words. The grandsons soon learnt to exploit this programme. They found a really posh voice and made it say 
'Naughty' words. The first time I heard it I nearly lost my breath with laughter.

That's John trying to look serious. 


  1. Wonderful that you can all find laughter... Even John as I'm sure he joined in!

  2. Much hilarity all round!!

    I can dictate into my IPad and it converts it to typing. Have you tried that?


  3. Oh Pam, what a lovely picture of you all!! And indeed, it looks as if John is barely holding it together!! Such fun!

  4. Your happiness is infectious :-) Wonderful to see you all having a great time and so typical of boys to get the most out of a situation. Grandsons are a treasure.
