Wednesday, 11 April 2012


You may remember this  book cover from last year, I have finally got round to filling the pages and finishing the binding. The cover is made from balsa wood which to my surprise is very easy to stitch into. It's a little book of self indulgence because it was made at a time when I should have been immersed in some more demanding work.   

I've used some of my painted papers and played with positive and negative shapes. 

I've added little bits of script from an old English lit. primer. 

Gel pens and stamped out shapes

Koh-i-nor dye paints ( love them).

Stencilled shapes and paper clay motifs.

These are very time consuming to put together but really satisfying once I've finished - not something that I can do easily or quickly, I know some people can make these very speedily but I take ages just finding the right little pieces of script.  It has to have meaning to me or it's pointless.
So a year in the thinking and making -  finished at last!

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1 comment:

  1. 10 out of 10 for completing it! Its smashing and I would never have thought about stitching into balsa wood.......! Like you I prefer to have meaningful text in things too.
