Tuesday, 8 May 2012

What next?

It's been a while since I last blogged - the switch from my familiar PC to an all singing and dancing new laptop has taken place. All with the minimum of fuss thanks to eldest son. Even switching to windows 7 from XP has been relatively painless. I'm also pleased that all my work on finding the right machine for me has proved successful. It's a worry and a big responsibility when you spend that amount of money and find that you have not chosen well.

The bank holiday has passed - I'm not even going to mention the weather!

I have finally finished the first of my 'Timepieces' and dearly beloved has made the most delicate of stands for this piece of work. It needed light behind it to show the fragility of the piece and this solves the problem beautifully. I will probably put a wash of a creamy white acrylic over the frame at some point. I have the next piece in the series in my mind. I just need a kick in the pants to get started!! 
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1 comment:

  1. Stunning!

    FYI we posted your class details today at

    Hope you like it! xx
