Thursday, 14 July 2011

Thinking of good things to come.

I've been stitching like mad for the past two days - actually working on some pieces to show in October at Thurlby church for the 'Calico' group of stitchers I belong to. The piece above has nothing to do with what I am currently stitching but the coloured palette I was using today took me back to some work I did for my lovely step-daughter. She lives in Ullapool - yes the place I'm always banging on about and definitely my favourite place in all the world. I'm so looking forward to our visit in September. These series of marine inspired pieces live in one of her and her husbands beautiful letting cottages. 

The shell and driftwood are part of my collectibles from the seafront in Ullapool - nothing nicer in a howling gale than beach combing along the loch towards the sea.

The more vibrant pieces are inspired by the occasional but magical summer days that add sparkle and intense colour to the loch and sea. Sometimes it's too bright to look at with the naked eye.

Oh well not long now before I'm walking along empty beaches again. In the meantime Art in action beckons next week,   two whole days of bliss. I'll post current stitching when I've done enough worth looking at. 


  1. Are the fish metal? these are great! Beach combing in almost any weather suits me fine!

  2. Looking fab - as usual! I still have my fish you gave me in my fish tin in the studio! It always makes me smile when I see it!

  3. Uhooi,,
    Wow,, It works great and creative,,
