A lot of work went into this altered book, if I had remembered to photograph it during the early stages I would have realised that the square frame on the bottom right doesn't sit well with the round and oval apertures. A geometric mixed in with an organic shape looks uncomfortable on the page. In fact the whole piece looks as though I could write a three page critique finding faults with it. Husband disagrees, he says dreams are often discordant and the design reflects that.
I never mind failing, it's all part of the learning process and already I have started on mark two with more regard for design.
A little play with picassa is pleasing.
Picassa Draw always makes me feel guilty because I know I could draw some beautiful patterns from this piece of work, I'm sure I will, one mythical day.
Social stitching day cancelled tomorrow boo-hoo! Snow stopped play! However it does mean I can push on with achieving something, from this less than satisfactory three days work.
I think your page is gorgeous, if the square bothers you too much, maybe you could stitch a circle of small beads over it, just a thought. Personally I think it's fine.